søndag, maj 01, 2005

"Det er vores land"

Mor til 4, tyrkisk kurder i Svensk TV. En af de ca. 30.000 der lever illegalt i Sverige og som der hverken er evne eller vilje til at sende ud after asylafvisning.


This Land Is Whose Land?
By Irshad Manji

Toronto-based journalist Irshad Manji is author of "The Trouble With Islam"
When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared that Washington should "close the borders," he wasn't just choosing the wrong word (he says he meant "secure" the borders against illegal immigrants). Schwarzenegger was also choosing the wrong side of the Atlantic to inform his views on immigration. What he said is more the attitude of Western Europe than of the American West. On many matters, from healthcare to women's rights, the United States can learn from Europe. But on immigration, it's the other way around.

What he said is more the attitude of Western Europe than of the American West. On many matters, from healthcare to women's rights, the United States can learn from Europe. But on immigration, it's the other way around. Today, countries such as France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands are scrambling to catch up with the changes wrought by migrants. Particularly Muslim migrants from North Africa and Turkey. As they flood in seeking jobs and education, the old social contract — our home is your home as long as you consider it your home too — looks downright naive.
Meanwhile, Muslim leaders cry racism and plead to journalists like me, "Do you see why we feel driven into the arms of fundamentalists?" It doesn't take long before I hear something else from European Muslims: This wouldn't happen in America. We would belong in the United States.........................

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