"Allahu Akhbar"
er vel ved at være ligeså forhadt et krigsråb, som "Sieg Heil" var det for mine forældres generation:
"In the last two months, lunatic Islamic radicals have failed at weird mass murder plots at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and JFK Airport in New York. And now in Great Britain, more incompetent jihadists were foiled again — thanks to their inability to ignite flammable gas canisters.Spanish tourists about the same time were butchered in Yemen by a suicide bomber. And, of course, al Qaeda and the Taliban daily try to kill as many Westerners as they can in Afghanistan and Iraq."
We are on a collective Animal Farm
Kan England reddes ?
"Winston Churchill said he would fight the enemy on the beaches and in the fields and in the streets—he would never give up. Blair is fighting England’s enemies in the universities. It’s a tougher job than Churchill had. There were more moderate Nazis in Germany in the l930s than there are moderate Muslims in 21st Century England. And where did Blair find an entire conference of them? The moderate Muslims is a rare breed —almost as rare as a unicorn. You want satyrs? Try Piccadilly Circus. Big Foot left tracks. They have pictures of the Loch Ness Monster. But a moderate Muslim—try to find one. Dinesh D’Souza claims he saw one on the way to a debate with Robert Spencer".Can Blair's Million Pound Bill on Islam Save Britain?
Paranoia, hjernevask eller analfabetisme?
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda.
"Even I, who have tried to get a grip on Muslim suicide bombing, was stunned by the depth of the brainwashing. I'd never seen anything like it. So I asked the question, What religion is Musharraf, the president of Pakistan? He's a Jew, the Taliban had assured Farhad."
A Talk with a Suicidebomber
Det er en giftig blanding, at nogle af verdens mest politiserede lande, samtidigt er de mest uvidende. Min egen erfaring fra rejser i Østasian og Mellemøsten, er at verdens mest udbredte tro er overtroen.
Gated communities et begreb man ligeså godt kan gøre sig bekendt med nu:
United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, gated communities can usually be found in London, especially in the Docklands, such as New Caledonian Wharf, Kings and Queen Wharf and Pan Peninsula and East London, for example Bow Quarter in Bow, London, although there is an increasing number across the whole of the country.
Gated Communities
PET-dialog er ren parodi
DET ER åbenbart ikke gået op for hverken justitsministeren eller PET, at kampen mod terror på forhånd er tabt, når man begynder at legitimere rabiate imamer og lige så rabiate muslimske organisationer ved at føre dialog med dem som ligeberettigede partnere.
Borgarna vill öka invandringen
Sverige har västvärldens största invandring i förhållande till befolkningstalet. I år kommer uppåt 100 000 människor hit och får uppehållstillstånd tack vare vår storsinthet. Bara en liten del av dessa är politiska flyktingar enligt de konventioner Sverige har åtagit sig att följa. De övriga kommer hit för att ta del av det svenska välståndet. De kommer oftast från helt främmande kulturer, har mycket dålig utbildning och kan inte på flera generationer bidra till att utveckla det svenska samhället.
Borgarna vill öka invandringen - Sverigedemokraterna kräver en bättre politik!
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