Diplomatisk disput Sverige- Rusland

Svenskerne har ikke tænkt sig at lukke den militante tjetenske hjemmeside http://www.kavkazcenter.compå Telia server i anledning af sprængattentatet på en russik ambassade bil i går. NB: Siden indeholder særdeles voldelige vidoer - her blot et par stills.
MOSCOW, (Itar-Tass) - Sweden does not intend to close Kavkaz-Center Internet web-site, Swedish ambassador Johan Molander told journalists in Moscow on Wednesday.
No steps that contravene the Swedish constitution will be taken, the ambassador said. Freedom of the press is the pillar of our social system, he said. The diplomat declared that he saw no link between the freedom of the press and terrorist acts and believes that the Swedish mass media might interview both ambassadors and terrorists.
The explosion of a car that belonged to a Russian diplomat is linked to the position of the Swedish mass media that popularizes the views of Chechen separatists, a diplomatic source said in Moscow. On March 21, the Swedish National News Agency TT circulated an interview with ringleader of Chechen illegal armed formations Shamil Basayev, the source said.
Thus, a direct link between the information space given to separatists by the Swedish News Agency and practical activities of the terrorists is absolutely obvious, the Russian diplomatic source said.
The activities undertaken by terrorists in fact encourage the practice of unpunished violence with passive attitude of the Swedish authorities, the Russian diplomat said.
Såvidt jeg kan se intet svenske medier bortset fra denne:
"Tjetjenernas döde rebelledare hedras i Polen"
den danske ambassade havde iøvrigt samme fornøjelse for nylig:
En ambassadbil brann natten till fredagen utanför danska ambassaden i Stockholm. I ett pressmeddelande tog organisationen Global Intifada på sig skulden för branden.
Också då tog Global Intifada på sig ansvaret och sade att aktionen var "en markering gentemot den danska statens stöd av Amerikas imperialistiska angreppskrig på Irak".
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