lørdag, juli 23, 2005

Ten urgent steps to make Britain safer

Opsigtvækkende Telegraph leder, der opfordrer regeringen til at fratræde Menneskerettighedskonventionen. Bladet er antagelig et par bomber for tidligt ude, men illustrerer her demokratiets akilleshæl: at det er trægt reagerende og befolket af parlamentarikere (og borgere) uden forestillingsevne. Med det resultat, at det først reagerer med det ene ben dybt begravet i en katastrofe:
The country is stunned by a series of violent and terrifying events in London. These "incidents", as the police insist on calling them, have the potential to instil a permanent state of fear among the population. Action, both bold and sensitive, is required to prevent more of them.
Ultimately, terrorism will only end through a change of heart among the fanatics who are prepared to immolate themselves and others in the name of God. The war on terror is a war of culture, between the civilisation which stands for freedom and democracy and the corrupt mentality which sees death and destruction as the only acceptable alternative to the establishment of Islamic theocracy.
This war must be fought on both the cultural and the security fronts. We here set out a list of 10 proposals which, we believe, should be implemented as a matter of urgency.
It is unfortunate that just as Britain faces its most severe internal security threat in decades, MPs have this week risen for a three-month holiday.
We strongly urge the Government to recall Parliament to debate and enact this legislative programme.-.......................................................

"The Government should unilaterally withdraw from the 1951 Convention and other related protocols. This will, inter alia, allow us to return unwanted arrivals to the last safe country they visited before arriving in Britain."

3. Repeal* the Human Rights Act
Judges have also used the European Convention on Human Rights (incorporated into UK law by the 1998 Human Rights Act) to second-guess government decisions, arguing that Article Three of the ECHR gives people the right not to be returned to countries where they may face degrading or inhumane treatment.
This is not an argument which troubles other signatories to the ECHR (notably France, which frequently returns
undesirables to Algeria). The Government should repeal the Human Rights Act and
consider withdrawing from the ECHR altogether.

To take back or remove:
lift, recall, rescind, reverse, revoke.
The act of reversing or annulling


som kontrast: den ultimative, virkelighedsfjerne krysterartikel - magen til kan vist knapt nok opdrives i Politiken:

"Sverige borde kräva snabbt slut på kriget mot terrorn"

"Om till exempel en stat som Sverige är beredd att leda militära operationer utomlands, vad betyder det för den egna befolkningens säkerhet? Om det finns en ny hotbild som kan komma att innefatta också vårt land, talar detta för att Sveriges egen försvarskraft bör urholkas?"

nogen erklærer dig krig ved at myrde dine civile borgere og forsøge at lamme din hovedstad. Du svarer at den vil du skam ikke deltage i. Vil det være Sveriges svar på f.eks. 191 døde og 700 sårede (som i Madrid) i Tunnelbanen ? Næppe. Skribenten er formand for för "Svenska humanistiska förbundet". og har skrevet en bog der hedder "Försvar för klottrare* och rappare". Og så ligner han iøvrigt en man kunne stikke en uppercut og som bagefter ville bekymre sig for om man havde slået hånden. (*grafitti)


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