onsdag, oktober 26, 2005

EU population up due to immigration

- The EU’s population increased last year by 2.3 million (0.5%) to a total of 457.2 million - but the increase was mainly due to the immigration of 1.9 million people.
Only 400,000 came from a natural increase while six countries - Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary and Poland - saw their populations shrink. Published on Tuesday (25 October) by Eurostat, the EU's Statistical Office, the new figures also showed that the average fertility rate - child per woman – went up slightly in 2004. It increased from 1.48 in 2003 to 1.50 in 2004, but no EU country reached the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman.The highest fertility rates were found in Ireland (1.99), followed by France (1.90), Finland (1.80) and Denmark (1.78).
EU population rose, between 2003 and 2004, by 0.5332 pct thanks to 1.852 million immigrants while the natural rise (the deaths/births ratio) was only 444,000 people.
In Italy, Spain and Germany this phenomenon is more evident. In Italy in 2004 population rose by 574.100 people, 558.2 were immigrants. Immigrants in Spain were 610, 000 in 2004 while population rose by 692,700 people. In Germany immigrants were 81,800 while the deaths/births ratio was down 112,600.

The Sunday Times
‘Stealth’ Islamists recruit students
AN ISLAMIC organisation facing a ban under terrorism laws has launched a campaign to recruit university students using an anti-racist front organisation.
An undercover Sunday Times investigation has established that the party, Hizb ut-Tahrir, has been recruiting under the name Stop Islamophobia at University College London (UCL), the School of African and Oriental Studies, Luton University and other institutions.

The report said that Hizb ut-Tahrir, which recruited openly on campuses until earlier this year, “has issued a number of anti-semitic statements. Furthermore, it is anti-Hindu (because of the war in Kashmir), anti-Sikh, homophobic, anti-feminist and resentful of the West’s influence on Islam.”
Glees last week criticised Hizb ut-Tahrir’s use of a front organisation under a misleading and politically correct name as a “lethal cocktail”. He said it was “capitalising on the advantages that exist in a free society”.



næppe opmuntrende for svenske med mere almindelige sygdomme, på allerede dødeligt lange ventelister:
Nyhet i oktober 2005, TV4:
"Kvinnor som blivit könsstympade som barn kan nu få hjälp att bli helt återställda. På Södersjukhuset i Stockholm ska man för första gången i Sverige börja med operationer där de delar som skurits bort ska återskapas med hjälp av plastikkirurgi.
Vården för könsstympade kvinnor i Sverige har länge varit eftersatt menar landstingspolitikern Fatima Nur ..."
Man tror att det i Sverige finns närmare 50 000 kvinnor som är könsstympade.
"Inom vården har man inte alltid den kunskap som behövs för att hjälpa dem. På Södersjukhuset i Stockholm har man därför byggt upp en särskild mottagning där kvinnorna även kan få psykologisk hjälp.
Sedan tidigare gör man operationer som syftar till att öppna det som sytts igen vid ingreppet. Nu ska man också för första gången försöka återställa de delar som skurits bort. Det är en komplicerad operation, som aldrig förut gjorts i Sverige."
Komplicerad - och därmed resurskrävande, kan förmodas.
"Om ett halvår väntas de första operationerna komma igång och redan nu står flera kvinnor på kö."

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