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Fr. Polemikken i URBAN idag.
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Losing to Islamism
Frontpage Interview's guest today is Abigail R. Esman, an award-winning author-journalist who divides her time between New York and The Netherlands.
FP: Can you talk a bit about the impact that Muslim immigration is having on Europe?
Esman: That's a sweeping question - and maybe no longer even relevant in all cases. I can really only speak for Holland and Belgium, though, where I would say that immigration itself is far less of a problem than is integration: where honor killings take place in immigrant communities, for instance, Europeans are not affected (though I wish they'd take it upon themselves as if they were). What does affect Europe is the radicalization of the second- and third-generation -- the ones who were born and raised here.
FP: Tell us about how the second -- and third-generation - of Muslims, who were born and raised in Holland and Belgium, are radicalized. Why does this process occur and why do these societies allow it? What can be done about it?
Esman: We could probably talk about this for hours, but I'll try to condense my thoughts on the subject as best I can. Because the thing to bear in mind is that there is no single reason for any of it.
- Recently, I gave a talk at the University of Leiden, where I was asked a similar question. And what struck me was that the people I spoke to there seemed to be looking for a kind of magic bullet, a swift program that could or would change the course of Muslim radicalism in the Netherlands. But there is no magic bullet -- just as there is no single cause. It's more a kind of intermingling of various potent poisons in a single cauldron, and as such, takes more than one simple spell to break it.
- So how are they radicalized? You have a combination of adolescent rebellion and adolescent rage, you have children and teenagers who are growing up in violent homes, in a culture where what they learn is that the way to solve problems or exert your will or express your needs is through violence, not words. Add to that radical imams in local mosques that are often funded by the Saudis, radical Islamicist propaganda that circulates in various Islamic "Sunday schools," satellite dishes feeding propaganda from the Arab world into their homes -- and these shows are turned on all day most days, especially in homes where the parents have not yet learned to speak or understand Dutch.
- And then you have the Internet, and web fora, and misinformation, and the kinds of elements that can contribute to any sort of immersion in a trend, a cult, a way of life. But unlike dressing Punk or Gothic, becoming a radicalized Muslim overtakes your entire way of life: you are reading the Koran and listening to your radical peers and hearing the words of your heroes, you are mentored. And every step into that world leads to another, further and further in.
- Why do the societies allow it? In some ways, I think for the same reasons that it happened to begin with: they just close their eyes. They don't want to see. They don't want to talk about things that are politically incorrect, or that indicate a form of intolerance. Holland has especially been traumatized by the Holocaust. Their guilt is tremendous. So they hesitate to discriminate against a religious group, or do anything that even gives the appearance of doing so.
And then there's the element of fear: there's a lot of capitulation going on.
- What can be done? I've advocated banning satellite dishes, though no one seems to agree with me on that one. I support creating a stronger awareness of domestic violence and the ramifications violence in the home can have on the way children learn to communicate. I'd like to see the Dutch be less afraid of talking about difficult issues like domestic abuse, like honor killings, like anti-Semitism, and be more willing to hear and learn about these issues.
Frontpage Mag
som også idag interviewer Bruce Bawer
While Europe Slept
En idag presenterad undersökning om svenska hushålls ekonomi:– Närmare en fjärdedel av hushållen uppger att inkomsterna inte harräckt månaden ut, vilket innebär att en stor del lever med mycket knappamarginaler, säger Erika Pahne, ekonom på Institutet för Privatekonomi.
Alltså. Det är enormt. Vi har högkonjunktur - "det går bra för Sverige" säger Persson och Nuder - och en fjärdedel av de svenska hushållen får inte pengarna att räcka till.
Dagens Finans
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Danskerne og racismen
- "I mange år har man fået tudet ørene fulde i medier og fine forelæsningssale om, at veludannede indvandrere forlader Danmark på grund af racisme og fremmedhad. Danmark har verdens bedst uddannede taxachauffører og pizzabagere, ikke?
Der er ikke mange forskere eller journalister, der vil undersøge, hvorvidt en del veluddannede indvandreres fravalg af Danmark har at gøre med lavere skatter, veludviklede iranske og arabiske etniske netværk, supergode etniske restauranter, natklubber, billige kokke, rengøringsassistenter og butlere osv. i disse lande.
Nej, indvandrere er og forbliver for evigt ofre for danskernes racisme, fremmedgørende blikke, orientalisme, islamofobi, fordomme og foragt. Punktum. Ingen diskussion. Enhver, der sætter spørgsmålstegn ved disse både sande og moralske vurderinger, er dubiøse og umoralske:
Hvad er de ude på, hvad er deres egentlige hensigt? Et ønske om at være "den hvide mands tjener", som en indvandrerpolitiker en gang så smukt udtrykte det, at indynde sig hos danskere? Fortrængte og derfor latente slikkelyster?
I 1980'erne og 1990'erne havde man i universitetsmiljøerne en tendens til at betragte indvandrerne fra en bestemt vinkel, hvis dominerende begreber var racisme, fremmedhad, marginalisering, undertrykkelse ol.
Skribenten eller taleren plejede desuden at opbygge en speciel stemning, som bestod dels af dårlig samvittighed, indlevelse og medfølelse med indvandrerne, dels af forargelse over andre - og mindre oplyste - danskeres negative holdninger.
Den anti-racistiske fortælling - dvs. påstanden om, at de vestlige samfund og herunder Danmark, er grundlæggende racistiske og fremmedfjendtlige, og at dette er det største problem, som indvandrere er oppe imod - har været den dominerende fortælling i forskning og debat om indvandrere i 1980'erne og 1990'erne."
Uddrag af Mehmet Ümit Necef i Fyens Stiftstidende 22 maj.
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