Den stora sinnesundersökning.
Måske denne iraker skulle overveje at blive der, næste gang han kommer forbi sit hjemland ?
ESKILSTUNA. Den 14-åriga flickan vägrade bära slöja och följa med familjen till Irak. Då brände pappan henne med lödkolv* och hotade dottern med kniv och svärd.
Nu har tingsrätten slagit fast att han är skyldig till tortyren.- Kommer han ut dödar han mig, säger flickan i polisförhör.
Enligt Eskilstuna tingsrätt är den 41-årige mannen skyldig till att ha misshandlat, hotat och ofredat dottern under två års tid.- Rätten har delat min uppfattning, säger kammaråklagare Carin Stålhane.Hon fruktar för sitt liv.
Pappan ska nu genomgå en stor sinnesundersökning.
* loddekolbe
Torterad av sin pappa
en kvalificeret , konsekvent sadist: Här är åtalen mot pappan
hvor var resten af familien ?
Tør ikke anmelde
nu vi er i Sverige. Mon ikke der er nærliggende en risiko for, at disse unge vokser op og bliver "strukturelle racister"?
Sex av tio 16-åringar polisanmäler inte brott som de har blivit utsatta för. Det visar GP:s ungdomsenkät.
- Siffrorna förvånar mig tyvärr inte, säger Helén Broo, Stödcentrum för unga brottsoffer i Göteborg.GP har frågat niondeklassare i Göteborg om de varit utsatta för brott. Sex procent har varit utsatta för bötning, 21 procent för hot om våld, 18 procent har blivit bestulna och nio procent har någon gång blivit misshandlade. Av dem som blivit utsatta för brott väljer ändå sex av tio att inte polisanmäla.
Göteborgs Posten
Muslim Britain split over 'martyrs' of 7/7
Poll results
13% of British Muslims think that the four men who carried out the London Tube and bus bombings of July 7, 2005, should be regarded as “martyrs”
7% agree that suicide attacks on civilians in the UK can be justified in some circumstances, rising to 16 per cent for a military target
16% of British Muslims say that while the attacks may have been wrong, the cause was right
2% would be proud if a family member decided to join al-Qaeda. Sixteen per cent would be “indifferent”
56% of British Muslims believe that the Government is not doing enough to fight extremism, more than the 49 per cent of the whole population who agree
50% think the intelligence services have the right to infiltrate Muslim organisations to gather information about their activities and the way they obtain funding
65% of British Muslims say that their community needs to do more to integrate properly with British society
35% say that they would feel proud if a close family member joined the police
All or Nothing
Theodore Dalrymple
en gammel yndling her på bloggen:
The quest for a moderate Islam may be futile.
Karsh comes close to this conclusion himself, when he writes at the end of the book:
Only when the political elites of the Middle East and the Muslim world reconcile themselves to the reality of state nationalism, forswear pan-Arab and pan-Islamic dreams, and make Islam a matter of private faith rather than a tool of political ambition will the inhabitants of these regions at last be able to look forward to a better future free of would-be Saladins.The fundamental question is whether Islam as a private faith would still be Islam, or whether such privatization would spell its doom. I think it would spell its doom. In this sense, I am an Islamic fundamentalist. The choice is between all and nothing.
All or Nothing - City Journal
The Wrath of Ka
Black anti-Semites storm Paris’s old Jewish quarter
On the last Sunday of May, 30 angry black men stormed into the heart of the old Jewish quarter, terrorizing residents, shopkeepers, and Sunday strollers. The self-styled militia of the Ka Tribe, a black separatist group originally connected to the no-longer funny black comic Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala, embodied the worst fears of a Jewish community exposed, since January 2006, to a new rise in anti-Semitic attacks.
Danmark mest velstillet i EU
Norge tæller ikke med, hvor de så befinder sig:
Danmark er det mest velstillede land i hele EU.Økonomien er i top, ledigheden i bund, og overskuddet på de offentlige finanser er det største blandt samtlige EU-lande.Og som om det ikke kunne være nok, vinder vi markedsandele og investerer som aldrig før. Det fremgår af den halvårsrapport over økonomien i Danmark og 15 af de gamle og 10 af de nye EU-lande, som Økonomigruppen i Folketingets EU-sekretariat udgiver i dag.
Også fremgang i andre lande.................
sådan kan man vel også udtrykke det. "En ulykke i svøb" ville jeg sige.
"Respekten for islam er afgørende", siger formanden for friskolerne.
Tag konsekvensen : ingen offentlige tilskud til religiøse friskoler, hellere før end siden. Som svenske socialdemokrater med al ret har foreslået.
Synd for de andre friskoler der ryger med, men der er ikke noget at gøre ved det. Der er ingen grund til at betale for grundlæggelse af paralelsamfund allerede fra 6 års alderen. Det klares helt uden at det offentlige hjælper til.
Kammeratlige råd fra Nyrup
til den slovakiske regeringsdannelse. Nyrup følger op på Østrigs-succesén
The Party of European Socialists expressed its worries about the possible Slovak coalition. In a letter to Mr. Fico, PES President Poul Nyrup Rasmussen stated:
"The composition of the coalition raises many concerns regarding respect for human rights, in particular the rights of ethnic minorities, as well as commitments to democracy, to the European Union and European values and policies".The rightist SNS is well-known for its extreme positions against the Slovak Hungarian minority and the Roma.
Slovakia: Social democrats to rule with nationalists and Meciar party
Sveriges indvandringsmareridt
Nima Sanandaji er en typisk Timbroliberal, og netop ikke kulturkonservativ eller borgerlig i dansk forstand. Det skulle da lige være Radikal. Han ser helt bort fra landets katastrofale tab af social kapital, og fokuserer udelukkende på de økonomiske faktorer, erhvervsfrekvens osv.
Og de er sandelig også slemme nok, derfor er denne artikel alligevel interessant. Men hvem tror alle problemer er løst, hvis den dag skulle komme hvor alle har lige lidt arbejdsløshed ? Andre end svenske borgerlige ("tok-liberala") naturligvis, for hvem socialdemokratismen er en større trussel end multikulturalismen.
Men den sociale kapital i verdens for nylig mest tillidsfulde land, eroderer hastigt bort, og den solidariske velfærd ryger samme vej. Og de kommer aldrig tilbage, kære venner. Stik den !
- "Since labor market participation in Swedish statistics can include involvement in government labor market programs, this figure actually underestimates the problematic development in Sweden. The average yearly income from labor for those with a foreign citizenship was 22 percent higher than those with a Swedish citizenship in 1968. In 1999 it was 45 percent lower. This drop more accurately shows the change from workforce to welfare.
- The waves of immigrants that arrived to Sweden particularly during the 1980s and the 1990 systematically became dependent on various forms of government subsidies, rather than work, as a means of income. The role of families and civil society diminished and crime rates rose to high levels. As the entry into the labor market was difficult, many immigrants never got the chance of establishing themselves in the Swedish labor market. Groups that flourished in the UK or in the US due to a combination of good education and entrepreneurship, such as immigrants from Iran or Lebanon, remained dependent in the state in Sweden. In 2001 persons born outside of Sweden on average received seven times more social security than those born in Sweden.
Sweden's Immigration Nightmare - Frontpage Magazine
Ak, Tyskland
men derfor kan man jo godt se Per Øhrgaard og Lykke Friis diskutere den tyske "Tendenzenwende" i anledning af -VM:
Deadline video,Optur til den tyske selvfølelse
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