tirsdag, januar 11, 2005

Sveriges rolle i borgerkrigen i Aceh

som besværliggør nødhjælpsarbejdet: Hele ledelsen af GAM har asyl i Sverige, nogle er såvidt jeg mindes svenske statsborgere:

Terrorist aid slammed
The Free Aceh Movement (GAM) said in a statement from its government in exile in Stockholm that the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the Indonesian Mujahideen Council (MMI), which incudes Laskar Mujahidin, "would squander scarce resources."
The statement branded the two groups as "criminal organizations" and said they were not welcome in Aceh. "The actions and words of FPI and MMI contradict Islamic teachings and the tolerance and faith of Acehnese Muslims," it said.

"We emphasized that the separatist issue is our domestic affair, but especially the GAM leaders in Sweden, we asked for the Swedish government to do something against their citizens that lead the rebellion movement here in Indonesia," said State Secretary Yusril Ihza Mahendra, paraphrasing the President after the meeting.
The six ambassadors were from the United States, B. Lynn Pascoe; Japan, Yutaka Iimura; Singapore Edward Lee; Sweden, Lennart Linner; the United Kingdom, Charles Humfrey and Libya's Charge d'Affaires Ali Mabrouk al-Sheriqy
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