tirsdag, juli 03, 2007

" Somliga går i trasiga skor "

"TIO GÅNGER SÅ MÅNGA fattigpensionärer som dollarmiljonärer , de flesta kvinnor som måste leva på just över 4.000 i månaden efter skatt och hyra? [...]
Tillhör man den lilla gruppen dollarmiljonärer kan man kanske betala sig till en lite mera människovärdig tillvaro på ålderdomen – fast det gäller att hålla sig frisk och alert.Och tillhör man inte de rikas skara bör man nog undvika att bli gammal och skröplig. I varje fall i Sverige och framför allt i semestertider. Ni vet vad jag menar."
Ulf Nilson
Jeg har sammenlignet en dansk folkepension for en enlig født 1937, med en svensk. Med forbehold for skat, beregningsmåder og leveomkostninger, ser den danske pensionist ud til at få brutto 145.000 sv. kr. om året, den svenske kun 124. 048 sv. kr. (2007 tal)

London Mayor Ken Livingstone called on Britons Saturday not to demonize Muslims
after a double car bomb plot was foiled in the capital, amid fears of a Islamist terror threat."They have played a good and active and growing role in creating a multi-cultural society," he added."All I am interested in as mayor is that we try to prevent all acts of violence whether it is by a disaffected young member of the (far-right) BNP (British National Party), whether it is by an Islamist or a Wahhabist supporter," he said
London mayor defends Muslims as bomb plot foiled

Glasgow, Mullah Krekar..... og Sverige
The security services are checking possible links to Ansar al-Islam, a radical Kurdish terrorist group sponsored by al Qaeda, in the widening inquiry into the Glasgow and London bombs.
The Herald understands that MI6 warned the British government last April that Ansar might stage attacks in the UK to coincide with the end of Tony Blair's premiership. Mullah Krekar, its leader - now under arrest in Norway - announced that "many martyrs are ready to blow themselves up" and added that Britain should expect an attack in retaliation for its continuing military involvement in the Middle East. [...]
- Dozens of Ansar's estimated 1000 members have been caught in a string of arrests across Europe in the past two years. The organisation is known to have cells in Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Sweden.
Possible links to Kurdish group which boasted of ‘many martyrs’

It is understood that British intelligence is searching for links with Ansar al-Islam, a militant group based in northern Iraq and loosely linked to al-Qaeda, who have previously operated in Britain.
Doctors are quizzed in nationwide hunt for al-Qaeda link to airport bomb plot

det morer mig en del, at så mange særligt hæfter sig ved at fem af de anholdte er læger, som om de skulle besidde én eller anden særlig moral og visdom. En fuldkommen latterlig antagelse, udbredt blandt autoritetstro lægfolk, der ikke kender dem godt nok. Vel var f.eks. den danske modstandskamp fuld af læger, men jeg ved om i al fald én nulevende dansker, der har stået ansigt til ansigt med Dr. Mengele. Det antyder blot, at lægen er det moderne menneskes Gud, og det menneske vil ha sine illusioner i fred. Og så tar de moderne guder endda livet af sig seks gange hyppigere end andre mennesker. Tillidsvækende!

"Into the night with not even a whimper"
“Med bristende øjne nåede K at se, hvordan herrerne, tæt foran hans ansigt, lænet til hinanden kind mod kind, iagttog afgørelsen. “Som en hund” sagde han, det var som om skammen skulle overleve ham”.
Josef K. ´s dødsøjeblik, Processen, Franz Kafka-

"The developing schism in Britain, is leading to a fracture not just between Muslims and the rest, but a fracture within the population at large. The cohesive nature of island Britain is thus being fractured. Both non-Muslims and Muslims, are facing pressure and quite unnecessary mental anguish because of the obstinate adherence by the political elite to the dogma, that all and every group, can live together in peace and harmony. History shows consistently, that Islam can never be at peace with any other unless it rules, and reduces the non-Muslim to a dhimmi. Islam will brook no opposition, as that would unleash Jihad.
- States such as Sweden are at peace simply because they have accepted that they will become Islamic in the future. It goes into the night with not even a whimper. I cannot see Britons acquiescing to be dhimmis i.e. slaves in Britain itself, without a fight.

We have had the closest of close shaves.......
- and who knows whether by the time you read this the bombers will have struck lucky.
This suicidal strategy of engaging with extremism - which has only helped create a continuum of extremism - must be abandoned. Hizb ut Tahrir should be banned and a major effort made to rid our campuses of Islamists.
Jihadi websites must be closed down or their instigators prosecuted. Extremist mosques should be identified and shut.
Attempts should be made to ‘turn’ suitable extremists by opening their eyes to the truth, so that they can tell their fellow Muslims that they are being fed lies and hatred. Anything less will make a mockery of ‘winning hearts and minds’.
Britain is now Al Qaeda’s principal target as well as its principal recruiting ground. This is because Al Qaeda has correctly identified Britain as the weakest link in the Western alliance.

Melanie Phillips

Inde i hovedet på en tyrkisk profesor
da han ikke synes at være kendt udenfor Tyrkiet, kan jeg ikke se han har andre fortjenester end at være medlem af AK partiet:

As is well known, Rushdie insulted and belittled Islam, the Prophet Mohammed and the Koran in his book, “The Satanic Verses.” While Rushdie’s provocative book generated furor among Muslims all over the world, he never apologized or softened his stance. During the caricature crisis in Denmark, Rushdie maintained his vile views on Islam and the Prophet.
Britain must apologize immediately
England’s new Prime Minister Gordon Brown might also be able to resolve this problem. One alternative is to recall the inappropriate award, and other is persuading Rushdie to revise his controversial work. If Rushdie can correct his 1988 statements, he just might be able to prove that he deserves the title of “knight.”
Award to Rushdie an insult to Islam

Gay shaming
Last night Anna and Lene, a lesbian couple who don't want their last names publicized, left a Gay Pride Week party at Naken, a nightclub in downtown Oslo. One of them was wearing a sticker with the word "Lesbian" on it. (These stickers, along with others reading "Gay," were handed out this week in the "Pride Village.") Four men stopped them and asked for a cigarette. Next thing they knew they were being brutally beaten up by him and three other men. "I have no doubt," one of the women said, "that we were beaten up because we're lesbians." VG does not describe the men.
Bruce Bawer
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