onsdag, august 22, 2007

»Jeg ved, hvor du bor«

*"Vi ved godt, hvad sådan nogle som dig har godt af."
*"Er blevet truet med en kniv af dreng i 9. klasse."
*"Er blevet truet i mit private hjem af forældre."
*"Slået, sparket over knæet, skalle nikket med baghovedet."

Hele 44 pct. af landets folkeskolelærere har været udsat for vold eller trusler om vold en eller flere gange i løbet af deres arbejdsliv. Men langt de færreste ­voldstilfælde bliver anmeldt til Arbejdstilsynet eller Arbejdsskadestyrelsen.
- Jeg frygter, at volden ikke bliver tacklet. Jeg tror, at man mange steder opfatter det som et vilkår i arbejdet. Specielt dem, som arbejder med vanskelige børn og unge. Derfor får de ikke taget hånd om det. Nogle steder er de rigtig gode til at tale om det, og flere og flere har voldspolitikker. Men det halter stadig alt for mange steder, siger Signe Kofoed.
Magasinet Arbejdsmiljø :Lærere anmelder ikke vold

Anti-Islamist Rally Banned in Brussels
An eagerly awaited public rally was to take place in Brussels – the capital of the European Union – on September 11 of this year. Called ‘Against Islamisation of Europe,’ its intent was to protest the spreading of Islamic sharia law across the European continent and honor by a minute of silence the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks. The event was being organized by SIOE (Stop the Islamisation of Europe),has this to say about Islam:
"No other religion demands more from those who do not adhere to its doctrine. This would not be a problem if our leaders actually stood up for Western values and insisted that Muslims live within our laws and accepted our cultures and social systems. Instead, it is we who are told we must abandon our values, cultures and societies in order not to offend Muslims. It is Islam that is being rammed down our throats and the throats of our children. It is not only in the West that Islam is causing misery and mayhem. All around the world Islam is battling the “infidels”.

Flemming Rose : Lars Vilks

Rose opsummerer Sveriges "karrikatur-krise", der endnu kan minde lidt om "the phony war" (foto © Snaphanen)
Writing on his blog Vilks acknowledges that his work hasn’t been supported by the art world:
”To change the situation the art world has to reconsider its relationship with Islam and so called weak minorities lacking confidence. But that’s a big change that isn’t likely to take place in the near future. Anyway, I think I am on to something: When you define Muslims as weak and lacking confidence you create a reality of ”we feel sorry for them”. You put a whole group of people under the same label ”weak”. Probably, it would be better to do exactly the opposite. I hold the view that this exposed group is strong enough to be taken serious and that they are capable of defending themselves in a debate.”
- It’s important to stress that the Swedish media for a long time has avoided this kind of debate, and it’s a widely held view in Sweden that the Danes are xenophofic and racist because of it’s tighter immigration policy. Many swedes think that the publication of the Mohammed cartoons in Jyllands-Posten proved this point.

None of the big Swedish newspapers published Jyllands-Posten’s cartoons back in 2006. Jyllands-Posten and other Danish newspapers have published Vilks drawings of the prophet. It caused no reaction whatsoever.

Cartoon crisis in Sweden

West underestimates the 'evil of Islam'
"Muslims have been hostages of their own belief systems for 1400 years. There is no way we can keep the Koran." (foto © Snaphanen, klik f. helskærm)
THE West was still underestimating the evil of Islam, an influential Muslim thinker has warned, insisting that Australia and the US have been duped into believing there is a difference between the religion's moderate and radical interpretations.
- On a two-week "under the radar" visit to Australia, Syrian-born Wafa Sultan secretly met both sides of federal politics and Jewish community leaders, warning them that all Muslims needed to be closely monitored in the West.
In an interview with The Australian, Dr Sultan - who shot to recognition last year following an interview on al-Jazeera television in which she attacked Islam and the prophet Mohammed - said Muslims were "brainwashed" from an early age to believe Western values were evil and that the world would one day come under the control of Sharia law.
- The US-based psychiatrist - who has two fatwas (religious rulings) issued against her to be killed - warned that Muslims would continue to exploit freedom of speech in the West to spread their "hate" and attack their adopted countries, until the Western mind grasped the magnitude of the Islamic threat.
"You're fighting someone who is willing to die," Dr Sultan told The Australian in an Arabic and English interview. "So you have to understand this mentality and find ways to face it. (As a Muslim) your mission on this earth is to fight for Islam and to kill or to be killed. You're here for only a short life and once you kill a kafir, or a non-believer, soon you're going to be united with your God."


Højreekstrem ?
"radikal og ung" - det skulle vel aldrig være bla. denne blog som det forhenværende medlem af Kommunistisk Forbund og VenstreSocialisterne N.O.Finnemann og tænker på ? Han ved ganske givet noget om radikalitet fra da han selv stencilerede, men hans karateristik af "højreblog" er et skud i tågen. Da det nu er hans fag, kunne han i det mindste lige have undersøgt sagen først. Fra Uriasposten :
Internetprofessor Niels Ole Finneman har en blog på Kommikationsforum, hvor han rutinemæssigt betegner de danske højrebloggere under et som værende radikale. Nuvel, det stopper ikke her - hans forskning har bragt ham videre - de højreradikale er unge. Fra 180 grader = den halve horisont
“Det er som altid de radikale, unge yderfløje, der dominerer de ”små” medier. Fra 68-generationen, der bevæbnede sig med stencilbrændere, fotokopimaskiner og utallige trykte småtidsskrifter til vore dages højreradikale bloggere.”
Højreradikale - nu med ungdommelighed
Internet-professor Niels Ole Finnemann om de aktive “højreradikale kræfter”, P1 Eftermiddag

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