Stepping up security

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The Next Targets? Italy, Denmark Up Security
Following the London bombings, Italy and Denmark were named as possible targets on a Web site popular with Islamic militants. Both countries are now stepping up measures to protect against a similar attack.
On every platform of everystation in Copenhagen's ultra modern metro system, police officers scrutinize passengers. Their presence on the city's transport system is designed to deter potential bombers and calm public fears.
Denmark has been immune from international terrorism for the past 20 years, but according to immigration consultant Mehmet Yuksekkaya, the country does have reason to worry.
"I am certain that al Qaeda is operating in Denmark," Yuksekkaya, who has conducted a study of every mosque in greater Copenhagen, said. "And I'm convinced that their friends and relatives know what's going on, but they're turning a blind eye."
Such sentiments offend moderate Danish muslims such as Zahid Butt, who runs a Web site for Pakistanis in Denmark. He regards Yuksekkaya as a scare mongerer.
"I can't recognize that picture at all," Butt said. "If there is a problem within the Muslim community, then most of the community will react, because the problem would mean that they and their families are also at risk. It there is a threat in Denmark, then I too am threatened.",1564,1662429,00.html
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