DI - Dhimmis International

(DI = Danish Industry - drawing, Jyllandsposten)
Allah Foods
Af Farshad Kholghi
I kampen for at redde islams ære er intet helligt. Der er ingen hellige køer. Ikke engang de danske køer, der leverer mælk og fetaost til Saudi-Arabien. Arla Foods bliver nu bandlyst i Saudi-Arabien og erklæret haram (forbudt). Det er synd for Arla, for de omsætter for tre mia. kr. i Mellemøsten.
Netop handlen med feta har været et af de mest ømtålelige punkter i diskussionen om, hvorvidt handlen med mullaherne i Mellemøsten var med til at styrke deres fanatiske ideologi. I 90erne nægtede en statsminister og hans udenrigsminister at tage imod den fatwa-ramte forfatter Salman Rushdie. Groft sagt af angst for, at dette måtte skade fetahandlen.
Skæbnen har nu, så typisk drilsk, vendt billedet om. De penge, fetamaskineriet i så mange år har tjent på at handle med vanvittige fanatikere, der truer ytringsfriheden og berøver mennesker i den del af verden deres frihed, skal nu betales tilbage. Groft sagt ser med spænding på, hvad vort svar bliver. Vil vi kæmpe for vores værdier, eller vil vi, som i 90erne, gemme os bag fetaen? Vil Dansk Industri atter ty til en skammelig samarbejdspolitik? Vil Arla Foods – for at behage mullaherne – ændre navn til Allah Foods?
Farshad Kholghi, Groft Sagt, Berlingske tidende.
Bemærk........ hvor behændigt pyromanerne (imamerne) nu tilbyder sig som brandslukkere, nøjagtigt som Tina magaard beskrev i JP forleden:
Muslimsk salamitaktik
Av TINA MAGAARD, forskningsassistent, Statsvetenskapliga institutet, Aarhus Universitet
Muslimska Trossamfundet följer troligen den salamitaktik som profeten själv använde gentemot otrogna:Först provocerar man fram en konflikt, som man eskalerar utöver vad de otrogna kunde ha föreställt sig. Sedan ger man sig själv rollen som försonaren med framsträckt hand för att uppnå eftergifter som de otrogna annars aldrig skulle ha accepterat.
Desperados’ last refuge
denne avis hvor iflg. Radioavisen kl .07:00 en Århus imam løj tykt igår, og "nydanskere" i stigende grad skriver læserbreve om hvor skrækkeligt de har det i Danmark. Jamen, så tag dog hjem. Det er på høje tid at Danmark ligesom franskmændene, sender opviglende imamer hjem på løbende bånd - uanset hvilken skæbne der venter dem der. Se at komme igang, der er oplagte kandidater.
The failure of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten to come up with a clear and unequivocal apology for the blasphemous cartoons about the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) published last September has kept the affair on the boil.
In a letter directed at Saudi Arabia, newspaper editor-in-chief Carsten Josti said the drawings had been published under a Danish dialogue on freedom of expression and this was a right that the Danes considered very important. If politics is the last refuge of the desperados, then the media is certainly the choice of their first cousins, otherwise known as journalists.
The reality is that the Western media routinely accepts all kinds of restrictionson freedom of expression on what it publishes, provided there are no obvious comebacks. There are strict laws on libel and slander with very expensive law firms on hand to ensure these laws are followed; there are reporting restrictions on legal trials when they are subjudice, and (increasingly) there are innumerable restrictions on what can be written about for security reasons. Stories can be spiked on national security grounds. And we haven t even got to the bit in which hands-off newspaper proprietors meddle with editorial and story content. When was the last time anyone read anything negative about Rupert Murdoch, the world s biggest media mogul, the man who is responsible more than others for the dumbing down of Britain s tabloid press?
Yet the Australian-born Murdoch (now an American citizen) is one of the largest (if not the largest) owners of television stations in the US. He also owns a swathe of American newspapers all built on the back of those he inherited in Australia.
The simple truth is Josti made a monumental error of judgment. In increasingly secularized societies, it is easy to attack Christians and their beliefs because they have been battered into submission by an arrogant liberal elite. An attack on Muslims and their faith is another thing altogether. A prompt, unreserved apology might have gotten the Danes out of the mess they are in. It is difficult to see how they can extricate themselves now. And the boycott of Danish goods has not even spread beyond the Gulf region!
Århus imamen i Saudi Gazette
'Hver dag bliver der trykt billeder og artikler der er endnu farligere og alvorligere end dem, der blev trykt i september.'
I samme interview citerer han Morgenavisen Jyllands-Postens chefredaktør Carsten Juste for, at Muhammed-tegningerne var en bevidst provokation fra avisen side.
'Tegningerne er bragt for at provokere muslimer i Danmark for at se, om der er nogen fanatiske muslimer i landet, citerer Hlayhel løgnagtigt Juste for at have sagt.Raed Hlayhels talsmand Abu Ahmed bekræfter overfor DR avisens citater.
Yor ar now leaving......
the english spoken zone, the Middle East and it´s special blend of lies, rumours, violence and religious madness - and returning to the danish, swedish and norwegian languages as well as the year 2005.
For a while, at least. The editor has had it for now.
Feel free to return at anytime.
Buy Danish!
to counter the Islamic boycott (updated!)
Several months ago an international boycott was launched against Israel by educational unions in the UK. Leftist churches have passed anti-Israel investment policies. For some reason political boycotts always come from the Left, and they are always one-sided.
Now Denmark is the target.
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