Eurabia Scholars Gather in The Hague

Yesterday I had the unexpected pleasure of meeting a very special person. If you did not know the tiny, unpretentious and vivacious grey-haired lady whom I had the privilege of sitting next to you would never guess that she is one of the most formidable personalities of our time.
My wife and I had dinner with Bat Ye’or and I asked her how it had felt to live as a dhimmi in Egypt, but she said it was only when she came to the West that she had come to realize what dhimmitude really was.
- “You only realize when you look from the outside in,” she said. It is perhaps because she has had this ‘priviliged’ experience that she was able to perceive from the 1970s onwards how the Europeans are slowly being turned into dhimmis. Her 2005 book “Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis” describes this transformation process.
“Immigration,” Bat Ye’or says, “is part of the whole strategy, which is an ambition to create a new civilizational concept based on multiculturalism, on the dissolution of people’s typical characteristics.” To Bat Ye’or the Danish cartoon affair is “a revolt to assert Western values of freedom of opinion, speech, and religion.”
Bat Ye’or convincingle argues that the transformation of Europe into Eurabia is the result of a deliberate strategy that was foolishly set in motion by French Gaullists who wanted to create a European-Arab counterweight to the United States. Today the European Union is continuing this policy, which aims to create a united Mediterranean continent based on a symbiosis between the Northern and the Southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. In her Eurabia book she meticulously describes how this strategy has been implemented during the past 35 years and how the promotion of Muslim immigration to Europe constitutes part of this plan.
Bat Ye-or was in The Hague attending an international gathering of Western Jihad experts. The group included Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, Ibn Warraq, David G. Littman, the Dutch and Flemish Arabists Hans Jansen ...............
»Jeg ved præcis, hvad folk taler om
ude ved kakkelbordene«

Hun har formentlig ét skud i valgbøssen. Så er det ud, og der er ikke andre tilbage end Karen Jespsersen, som S skulle have valgt med det samme efter Nyrup. Hvis hun altså stadig er socialdemokrat.
Hvordan Thorning nogensinde kunne hoppe på den formands-limpind, spørger man sig. Det gør hun nok også selv . Man kan endnu en gang konkludere, at en akademisk grad ikke automatisk er lig med politisk tæft.
Helig tystnad
I lighed med Dansk Folkeparti stormer det norske Fremskrittspartiet frem under indtryk af Muhammed-sagen. Kun i Sverige hersker – ja, hvad? Ingmar Bergman har malende karakteriseret atmosfæren i sit hjemland som »tystnad«, den absolutte stilhed.
Tystnad i 1930erne, da nazisterne marcherede. Tystnad under krigen, da de tyske troppetog prustede gennem landet. Tystnad i hele efterkrigstiden, skønt alle ved, at Sverige tjente bjerge af guld på nazi-Tysklands jødeforfølgelser. Da en nu afgået redaktør, Arne Ruth, for nogle år siden tog dette rystende tema op i Dagens Nyheter, blev han mødt af – tystnad.
Ikke desto mindre hævdede kulturredaktør på Sydsvenskan Daniel Sandström i et interview med Berlingske Tidende i lørdags – uimodsagt – at »vi har stadig en levende kulturradikal tradition i Sverige«, og denne påstand udgør hans forklaring på, at der ingen indvandrerdebat er i landet, men kun harmonisk integration.
Det er helt nyt for Groft sagt, at der nogensinde skulle have været en kulturradikal tradition i Sverige, og at den ægte kulturradikalisme skulle være ensbetydende med tystnad. Mon ikke Sandström forveksler kulturradikalisme med socialdemokratisme og harmonisk integration med det svenske, autoritære establishments jernhårde styring af debatten? Og er Sandström ikke bare et produkt af svensk »samförstand«, der bekvemt ser bort fra, at Sverige er det eneste land i Norden med en omfattende, militant og virkelig farlig undergrundsekstremisme, der allerede har adskillige mord på samvittigheden? Claes Kastholm Hansen, Groft Sagt, Berlingske

Immigration woes:
Europe's crime rate rises; US rate declines
The International Crime Victims Survey, based on 34,000 telephone interviews across 17 countries, found that 26 percent of people — more than one in four — in England and Wales had been victims of crime. The figure for Scotland was 23 percent and in Northern Ireland 15 percent. The United States had a 21 percent crime victimization rate.
After Australia and England and Wales, the highest prevalence of crime was in Holland (25 percent), Sweden (25 percent) and Canada (24 per cent), all higher than the United States.In fact, if one discounts crimes committed by illegal aliens — almost 30 percent of American crime — the US would show even more dramatic decreases in violence and crime.
And what has been the British government's reaction? There are suspicions that crime reports are being manipulated to cover-up the increased dangers to public safety.
Varning islam
Tänk er att Livets ord skulle ge ut en bok för att rätta till folks missförstånd angående kristendom. Då har ni islams motsvarighet i Tahar Ben Jellouns "Islam svar på dina frågor."
Om alla förstod samma islam och älskade varandra skulle inga problem finns. No shit! Vilka religioner eller ideologier skulle inte skriva under på detta? Om de svenska skolorna söker stöd i att behandla svåra frågor ska de akta sig för dessa böcker. Det var länge sedan jag läste så förljugna texter om rasism och islam. Kom tillbaka, Mona Sahlin och Deepak Chopra, allt är förlåtet!
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