"Folkomrösta om invandringen!

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Insändare i Ölandsbladet 2006-05-23
Av Anders Johansson
Jag vill vädja till politikerna i Borgholm att, över partigränserna, begrunda följande synpunkter med anledning av den föreslagna mantalsskrivningen av 30-40 invandrare i kommunen.
Först och främst vill jag upprepa, vilket man aldrig nog kan göra i dessa sammanhang, att jag varken är rasist eller främlingsfientlig. Tvärtom har jag en humanistisk grundinställning till de här problemen. Denna inställning säger mig att det vore långt bättre om Borgholms kommun varje år avsatte ett antal miljoner till insatser i tredje världen. Saken är nämligen den att pengarna arbetar minst 200 gånger bättre om de får göra verkan i mottagarländerna.
Mindre än 5 procent av invandrarna har flyktingstatus, det tillhör i dag allmän kännedom och det upprepades nyligen i televisionen av förre ministern Jan O Karlsson. Sverige har tagit sitt ansvar i dessa frågor mer än något annat land. Ändå fortsätter invandringen och den är större än någonsin. Den utgör på sikt en social och ekonomisk katastrof för landet.
"Folkomrösta om invandringen! Word dokument
The Stockholm Syndrome
Norberg, som citeres er ikke optimist. Med stor hast kommer landet til at ligne de lande det har modtaget indvandrere fra. 2. og 3. verdenslande. Og mister såvel håndgribelig som social kapital for hvert år der går. Tag f.eks. det efterhånden store atal svenskere, hvis eneste chance for job er Danmark. Vemodigt for en gammel Sverige ven.
Welfare State: The architects of the cradle-to-grave Swedish system said that if it couldn't work there, it wouldn't work anywhere. Well, it didn't and it doesn't. [..]
Even with all that, "the Swedish model is rotting from within," Norberg writes. "Ironically, the unique social and economic foundation that first allowed Sweden to construct its political edifice — and which makes it such a difficult model for other countries to emulate — has been critically weakened by the system it helped create."
Investors business daily
Oriana Fallaci: Nyt interview fra The New Yorker. Margaret Talbot, der ikke skjuler sine forbehold, giver et fyldigt og loyalt billede. Et møde mellem to begavede kvinder. Langt og læsværdigt:
"Fallaci sees the threat of Islamic fundamentalism as a revival of the Fascism that she and her sisters grew up fighting. She told me, “I am convinced that the situation is politically substantially the same as in 1938, with the pact in Munich, when England and France did not understand a thing. With the Muslims, we have done the same thing.” She elaborated, in an e-mail, “Look at the Muslims: in Europe they go on with their chadors and their burkas and their djellabahs. They go on with the habits preached by the Koran, they go on with mistreating their wives and daughters. They refuse our culture, in short, and try to impose their culture, or so-called culture, on us. . . . I reject them, and this is not only my duty toward my culture. Toward my values, my principles, my civilization. It is not only my duty toward my Christian roots. It is my duty toward freedom and toward the freedom fighter I am since I was a little girl fighting as a partisan against Nazi-Fascism. Islamism is the new Nazi-Fascism. With Nazi-Fascism, no compromise is possible. No hypocritical tolerance. And those who do not understand this simple reality are feeding the suicide of the West.”[...]
“They live at our expense, because they’ve got schools, hospitals, everything,” she said at one point, beginning to shout. “And they want to build damn mosques everywhere.” She spoke of a new mosque and Islamic center planned for Colle di Val d’Elsa, near Siena. She vowed that it would not remain standing. “If I’m alive, I will go to my friends in Carrara—you know, where there is the marble. They are all anarchists. With them, I take the explosives. I make you juuump in the air. I blow it up! With the anarchists of Carrara. I do not want to see this mosque—it’s very near my house in Tuscany. I do not want to see a twenty-four-metre minaret in the landscape of Giotto. When I cannot even wear a cross or carry a Bible in their country! So I BLOW IT UP! ”
I started wondering if Fallaci would tolerate any Muslim immigration, or any mosque in Europe, so I asked her these questions by e-mail, and she sent back lengthy replies. “The tolerance level was already surpassed fifteen or twenty years ago,” she wrote, “when the Left let the Muslims disembark on our coasts by the thousands. And it is well known . . . that I do not accept the mendacity of the so-called Moderate Islam. I do not believe that a Good Islam and a Bad Islam exist. Only Islam exists. And Islam is the Koran. And the Koran says what it says. Whatever its version. Of course there are exceptions. Also, considering the mathematical calculation of probabilities, some good Muslims must exist. I mean Muslims who appreciate freedom and democracy and secularism. But, as I say in the ‘Apocalypse,’ . . . good Muslims are few. So tragically few, in fact, that they must go around with bodyguards.”
The Agitator
Tonekunstnerselskabet hvordan blev Schlüterregeringens frække slagterhund til en lille, affabel gulvmoppe?
For meget Jensen og for lidt Ellemann? Lad os få det undersøgt. Og tag lige Seidenfaden med: født borgerlig men nu mere lyserød end en slagtegris:
JEG KAN DA KUN bakke op om Uffe Ellemann-Jensens forslag om at kulegrave tonen i udlændingedebatten. Jeg foreslår, at undersøgelsen begynder ved Ellemann selv. Så længe, jeg kan huske tilbage, har jeg kendt ham som en trodsig og kompromisløs debattør med en herligt skarp og arrogant tone.
Sammen med fremkomsten af islamistisk terror ude i verden og herhjemme sådan noget som "æresdrab"; vidner med pludselige hukommelsessvigt, når de skal vidne mod muslimer i retten; politikere og bladtegnere med politibeskyttelse mod muslimer oma. oplever jeg pludselig en ny tone fra UEJ's side - en veg, kuet og bange tone.
Det skift i Uffe Ellemann-Jensens tone er nok en kulegravning værd.
Asbjørn B. Christensen, entreprenør, cand.mag.,
(billede: Polemiken)
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