John Järvenpää i København idag
- Dengang sagde han: "Vi ved ikke om klokken er fem minutter i tolv eller fem minutter over." Idag sagde han, efter at have fortalt om Sveriges nye "borgerlige" regering: "Ændrer det sig ikke senest ved valget 2010, vil klokken være over tolv". Han talte naturligvis om nedtællingen til svensk borgerkrig, et ord man jo helst skyer.
fotos © Snaphanen
French riot boosts vote for right
Voters move to Sarkozy and Le Pen after rail fare dodger sparks nine hours of clashes
France's presidential elections campaign took a dramatic shift to the right this weekend with radical issues of nationhood, immigration and race coming to the fore as opinion polls showed sharp gains for the right wing.
Just three weeks from the first round of voting and in the wake of a mini-riot on Tuesday, there came a polarisation from all the main candidates on the issue of patriotism. And it was the hardliners who saw the benefits, with far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen climbing 2 per cent to 15 per cent of voting intentions in the latest CSA poll. [..]
- The mood shifted sharply in the wake of Tuesday's riot involving some 200 people in the commuter concourse of the Gare du Nord, where a fare-dodger's arrest sparked nine hours of clashes between youths and riot police. Earlier in the week Royal had injected a nationalistic flavour into the campaign by suggesting, controversially, that French people should hang the tricolour flag from their windows on feast days.
»Sverige afskaffer censuren«og lidt om:
Hvordan holder man SD fra fadet ?
og undgår at skabe "nazister" . Sådan her ? ( det er tilladt at grine):
Mona Sahlin tar upp kampen mot sd
Socialdemokraterna omprövar sin strategi för att möta Sverigedemokraterna. Nu ska nationalisterna inte förtigas – utan slås tillbaka med hårda argument. Mona Sahlin tänker möta dem öga mot öga.
Sydsvenskan (foto af Mona Sahlin, et utaknemmeligt portræt.)
eller sådan her ? :
"The immigrant population, some 5 percent, is an easily recognizable presence, changing the homogeneous Danish look. [..]
Immigration remains a potent political issue. In order to deprive the extreme right of this particular source of oxygen, Mr. Rasmussen's government has clamped down on immigration and amnesty, which means that Denmark now has some of the strictest laws in Europe. Immigrants are mandated by law to learn Danish in the hope of reducing social isolation and fostering integration into Danish society. Even Danes who marry foreigners under the age of 24 are barred from residing in the country, causing some to take up residence in southern Sweden, just across the bridge that now connects the two countries.
Washington Times: Danes amid Europeans
"Censuren afskaffes i Sverige"
nå ja, lad os holde os til sandheden - "censur light" eller "de facto censur".
Andet kan man vel ikke kalde det, når et lovligt parti ikke har haft adgang til aviser og TV, afholde møder, reklamere og annoncere. Jeg har bare ét problem: Nu har Gouillou , docent Dahl og alle proffstyckerna i årevis fortalt os, at ordet var frit i Sverige. Hvordan kan man afskaffe noget der aldrig har eksisteret ?
Nu ska sd inte längre tigas ihjäl
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