Søjlehelgenen* Che
Af og til tror jeg næsten Che blev et ikon, netop fordi Alberto Korda tog et af de der lucky shots med sit Leica dengang. Jeg har ikke fulgt den hede Che debat de sidste uger. "Let bygones be bygones" som Gøg siger til Gokke. Men Soderberg er en god filmmand, så meget ved jeg.

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New film uses CIA files to puncture myth about Che
By Hugh Davies in Venice
The director Steven Soderbergh is to use recently declassified CIA files to make a £20 million film about Ernesto "Che" Guevara, which will culminate in the guerilla's bloody death in Bolivia.
The director, who is noted for his cutting-edge approach to films, is likely to puncture the romantic myth of Guevara, who gained cult status for his role in the 1959 Cuban revolution.
Neither Guevara's interest in torture and firing squads, documented by the poet Armando Valladares, nor his remark after the Cuban missile crisis that he would have fired nuclear weapons at the US, were covered in the recent art-house hit The Motorcycle Diaries. The revolutionary also called for "a dozen Vietnams".
via Uriasposten.net hvor man kan læse videre:
*antikkens stylitter - forfædre til vore dages pælesiddere, som vistnok har tømt sporten for sit religiøse indhold.

foto © webmaster, "Pisserenden" igår
New film uses CIA files to puncture myth about Che
By Hugh Davies in Venice
The director Steven Soderbergh is to use recently declassified CIA files to make a £20 million film about Ernesto "Che" Guevara, which will culminate in the guerilla's bloody death in Bolivia.
The director, who is noted for his cutting-edge approach to films, is likely to puncture the romantic myth of Guevara, who gained cult status for his role in the 1959 Cuban revolution.
Neither Guevara's interest in torture and firing squads, documented by the poet Armando Valladares, nor his remark after the Cuban missile crisis that he would have fired nuclear weapons at the US, were covered in the recent art-house hit The Motorcycle Diaries. The revolutionary also called for "a dozen Vietnams".
via Uriasposten.net hvor man kan læse videre:
*antikkens stylitter - forfædre til vore dages pælesiddere, som vistnok har tømt sporten for sit religiøse indhold.
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