Åh, England !

De framträdande muslimska organisationerna i Storbritannien understöder våld och politisk extremism.Betydande delar av den muslimska minoriteten visar förståelse för terrorbombningarna i London för exakt ett år sedan.
- Det skriver den brittiske parlamentsledamoten Michael Gove exklusivt i Expressen, just nu högaktuell med boken "Celsius 7/7".
Han anser att det brittiska samhällets oförmåga att hantera politisk islam enbart kommer att leda till ytterligare attentat.
Terrorismen får allt starkare stöd
Amir Taheri: Blaris appeasement
Blair's policy however, is likely to fail.
The reason is that the Blair analysis is based on a fundamental contradiction. Moments after the attacks, the prime minister declared that the tragedy had nothing to do with Islam. And yet he immediately invited the self-styled "leaders of the Muslim community" to Downing Street to discuss the matter. That exercise led to the creation of a commission, filled with " Muslim leaders" . As might have been expected the commission came up with the classical recommendations of the usual suspects in the do-gooders' universe: better schools, more jobs, improved PR, and help for those suffering from " identity crisis."
However, there is no such thing as a Muslim community in Britain. There are over 100 communities with different ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, different understandings of Islam, and distinct social and religious structures.[..]
Today, what Islam must decide in Britain, indeed in all democracies, is whether it wants to be a religion or a political movement. The current British policy of treating Islam as a special case, a political movement that is also a faith, is bad both for Britain and, in the longer run, for Islam.
Londonistan: Interview med Melanie Phillips
Steven Emerson: What has been the response from the political establishment and intelligence and law enforcement communities to your book?
Menanie Phillips: Silence. But I live in hope.
Emerson: Is it possible to roll back Islamic fundamentalist influence in London or Great Britain or is the demographic presence too overwhelming? And if not possible to reverse Islamist influence, what should be the policies of the UK government?
Phillips: The great question! The short answer is — I don’t know; but we have got to try, otherwise it’s all over. What we should be doing is halting the tide of mass (and largely illegal) immigration that is changing the face of Britain.
We should abolish the doctrine of multiculturalism that is destroying British identity and reassert instead our overarching values as a democratic nation rooted in the particulars of history, religion, laws, culture, customs and traditions — a nation which values and respects all minorities, but expects them to subscribe to that overarching national identity. And we should stopthe preaching and teaching of sedition, incitement to hatred and violence and war against the west that is presently continuing unchecked in mosques and madrassahs, on caampus, in youth clubs and in prisons and either prosecute the perpetrators or throw them out of the country. All this can be done. The Brititsh government has so far flinched from doing it.
Steven Emerson interviews Melanie Phillips
Melanie Phillips hjemmeside
Antikens kølighed
kan man lige bruge på en dag med 28 fugtige grader i København. Efter 3 års ombygning, står Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket klar. Og det er flot! Ny lokaler inddraget, nye farver i den etruskiske samling.
Normalt går jeg ikke så meget op i indpakningen. Jeg husker Statens Museum og Glyptoteket fra dengang publikumsservice var en kaffeautomat ved siden af toiletterne i kælderen. Eller dens Assyriologiske samling på Museums-Inseln i det gamle Østberlin, ikke just noget kurator-hit.
Visse museer er direkte irriterende. Man føler der står en rullator, en kurator , en krisepsykolog og et cateringfirma parat til at følge én rundt i arkitektur der stiller sig i vejen for indholdet. Ikke på Glyptoteket idag. Stadig enestående i Europa. Se det !
(fotos © webmaster , klik foto for helskærm)
foto 5: Knælende barbar (orientaler) marmor, år 20 f.kr.
foto 6: Julius Cæsar ca. år 20 f.kr.
foto 7 : Tiberius, 1. årh. efter kr.
foto 8 : Pompejus år 30 efter kr.
foto 9 : Augustus, 1 årh. efter kristus
foto 10: Amfora, 6 årh. f. kr.
Man forestiller sig at portrætligheden er stor, at Pompeius og Augustus netop har set sådan ud.
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